Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Go Green!

"Go green, ad take the green out of your pocket."

I've been thinking about the issue of global warming for a while now. All the while, I've been wondering about what contributes to the issues, and what it means to go green. I want to know what I could do to help out. I have never been the environmentalist type of person, although growing up I would always be saying that i wanted a house that runs off the sun, solar power. That helps out, right? Anyways, I don't recycle. I run up the water bill with my thirty minute showers. I take plastic instead of paper. And at the end of the day I think, "Why is the weather so bipolar?!" I know that a lot of us don't really think about going through our daily routines but it wouldn't hurt to make a difference. We all want to change the world, why not start with saving the planet? In class today, one of my classmates expressed his opinion on the matter, saying that it cost to go green. and living in a world that is going through a huge economic crisis, spending money is not such a good idea. How else will we save the planet? Would it be better to live a poverty driven Eco-friendly life? Or work on getting everybody out of poverty, resulting in a short period of earth's remaining lifetime?

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